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Pornstar Party @ Semper

Now as everyone knows.. there were two parties happening.. this one at Semper and another one at Bi-Encounters.. and since we had only just had a party there a few weeks ago.. I came to the one at Semper.. where we had the gorgeous Moonie as our DJ and Lousl as the Hostess.

We had a good turn out at the party at Semper.. there was Colleen.. Ivori.. Arwen.. Sere.. Rae and Mirko.. aka Mr Lingerie Man as well as many others that you can see in the picture above.. and a good mix of new names and the well know people you spend your time fantasizing about being with.. *gets a mop*

So it's came to the time to find some people to feature in my report.. and at first it was a little hard.. as I like to make sure that I feature everyone on here.. but was seeing people I had already featured before.. but then had many I had not show up.. which then made it easier.. well kind of.. now had to pick who.. lol

So I decided to pick this person first. as she was close to me at the time I started taking pictures.. so my first person to be featured in this weeks party report is..

The very sexy and party Hostess Lousl.. and since my return to bring out my reports.. also my first featured person to be naked.. *does the happy dance before going nuts and doing the chicken dance*

Well I would have to say that this picture of her kind of speaks for itself.. she's very beautiful.. with a wonderful curvy well proportioned body.. and very long legs to match.. she was wearing a lovely black bikini to the party as well if you got to see her in it.. but by the time I cam to take pictures of her.. it had come off.. either she took it off or someone else did.. *looks at Mr Lingerie Man*

And just look at her ass.. it thats not asking for a spanking then I don't know what is.. *spanks Lousl ass*.. and as you can see.. even by my standards of picture editing.. Lousl looks great.. so will be looking forward to see lots more of her.. well we can see all of her now.. but you know what I mean.. to see this beautiful girl in someones photo shoot or in a movie.. with her look.. she could play any role with no problem.

Well now moving onto someone you will have all seen in one of my other posts.. no not the party one's.. but the one's you will see on my very own blog.. the.. In the Porn Light.. posts so this is kind of like having a catch up.. So I bring to you now the sexy Nichole.

And if you saw her on that post.. then you will instantly notice that she's changed her look.. I liked the one she had when I first saw her.. but I do really like where she's gone with this look.. a very unique one.. will never see anyone else that looks like her.. a petite body.. lovely blonde hair and some very nice tattoo.. stars on her arms and then wings on her back that move to the front of her body.

aww.. look at that cute little booty.. ok I'll move on.. well since being on.. In The Porn Light.. you will have seen Nichole in Colleen's 4th July photo shoot.. with Collen herself and others like Emee.. and she's also been in a photo shoot done by the people at Red Light Photography.. and I'm sure she's going to be involved in many other things.. hopefully we will get to see her in a movie soon.. so if her career keeps going like this.. then she's going to have a lot to tell me in those year after catch ups.


If you missed it last time.. then here is another chance to win a photo shoot by one of our many photographers.. this week you can win a photo shoot done by Eva Brunswick.. Just fill in the attached note card that will be on the notice.. then once you have done that.. then send it to Keeley Snowfall.. Leaving your guess as a comment on here.. or in IM/Group Chat will not class as an entry.

The closing date for this weeks competition is Wednesday 22nd @ 11:59pm SLT.. any sent ofter then will also not count.. Before showing you the pictures for this weeks.. time to give you the answers to last weeks.. so if you were unsure as to who they were.. Picture 1 was Colleen.. and Picture 2 was Serenity.. Congrats to Lousl who won last weeks competition and will get a photo shoot done by Colleen.

Now time for this weeks pictures.. lets see if you can tell how they are..

Picture 1 is???

Picture 2 is???

♥Keeley Snowfall♥
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