By kind permission of the Pixel Passions blog of EmeeLee Rage. Here is a really fantastic Interview with Pornstars Group and Blog Founder, and super sexy superstar Pornstar Emmanuelle Jameson. A big thank you to Emee for putting this project together, and letting us publish it here.


Chances are if you have ever been in front of a camera or behind the camera in this burgeoning and promising world of Second Life adult machinima/porn, there has been only one name who epitomizes the exciting, fun-loving lifestyle of the virtual pornstar: Emmanuelle (formerly Jennnnna) Jameson.

Emmanuelle is Second Life porn’s “triple threat”: a photogenic glamour model, a sexy, captivating actress, and a passionate award-winning adult filmmaker.   So just how significantly popular is Emma?   Well let’s just say this: her sex appeal knows very little bounds.  Men (and women) want her, and women want to be her.

A VERY sexy montage of Miss Jameson atop a blossoming flower, courtesy of photographer Pel Beaton.
Emma is the one individual that many people will arguably say either started the whole business of SL porn, or at the very least, popularized it.  She made being a pornstar worth the time and effort.  However, don’t be completely fooled by her :-) Underneath that sexy, bubbly blonde exterior lies a very shrewd woman with a keen acumen for sincerely promulgating and promoting the very best work of what Second Life porn has to offer, via her Pornstars blog.  The natural appeal of the blog is the willingness and openness of its creators to identify and more importantly recognize the talents of RL and SL adult artists in the mediums of cinema and photography.  You would not be remiss in saying that the Pornstars blog is a definite extension of the magnanimous heart of Miss Jameson.

Yet another captivating portrait of Emma, this time from the handiwork of Mr. Jinx Jiersen.

But the life of a pornstar isn’t always glamorous; speaking from first-hand experience, real life sometimes will take precedence over the busiest of second lives, and even Emma was not immune to that.  In early 2012 she made a decision to take a break from “the pornstar life” to focus on real life matters.  A definite absence was felt in the Second Life adult community.
Nevertheless, not even real life can keep a smart and sexy woman like Emma down.  She has now triumphantly returned to Second Life and to her blog, bringing a unique, fresh outlook but still the same unbridled enthusiasm for SL porn.
I had the privilege to actually sit down and chat with Emma this weekend, discussing with her all the trials and tribulations of being Second Life’s “biggest pornstar.”  In addition, I just happened to squeeze in a fun little photoshoot with Miss Jameson. 


 This photoshoot was taken by none other than Hoobsor HoobDiddy Resident :-)
Hoobs recently started his own blog showcasing all of the lovely ladies he has worked with in adult SL erotica. It's been already mentioned a few times in other adult blogs, but I think it's a wonderful idea for Hoobs to use his new blog to feature any recent projects that his "hotties" undertake. I know that both Emma and myself are very proud to be one of his inaugural Hoob's Hotties. :-)

Anyways, back to the photoshoot. In exchange for this interview, Emma had approached me with the chance to do a photoshoot that was outside the norm for both of us, aka something funny & silly. I easily got more than I bargained for when Emma decided on the idea of the two of us resembling the main actresses from the TV sitcom "Two Broke Girls."

This photoshoot was both sexy, fun, and different. Emma picked the costume and the poses (including the serving trays!) while Hoobs found the rundown diner used for the backdrop. In my opinion, I think Emma and I captured the essence of "two broke girls" relatively well ;-)

And now, without further ado, my interview with Emmanuelle Jameson :-)  Enjoy!

Emeelee Rage: Ok let’s begin.  Just wanted to say first of all, thank you so much for giving me the chance to conduct this interview.  You know I’ve always looked up to you and thought of you as somewhat of a role model in Second Life :-)

Emanuelle Jameson:Please!  We’re friends Emee.  *rolls her eyes*

ER: No I really mean it.
EJ: *rolls her eyes*
ER: You realize that every gesture you make I’m just going to log it in the chat/interview transcript.  Just FYI ;-)
EJ: Good!

ER: How about we start with the question on almost everyone’s mind (I know it has been on mine): what made you decide to take a break from Second Life porn?

EJ: It was just RL more than anything.. .I spent a lot of time on the blog and my SL activities, and I realized that I needed to give college a real effort.

EJ: Although it would have been funny if I had said it was all your fault. And then ended this interview, just to mess with you! *giggles*

ER: Ouch! *smiles* Seriously though, priorities are always hard to manage, so I completely empathize with you.

ER: And you know, sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but they're temporary.  You care about your work here on the blog and in SL porn, I can tell.  Probably more so than anyone I know.  So I knew you would come back, it was only a matter of time.

EJ: You should win a lot next time you come to Las Vegas! You are good at predictions.

ER: Hehe, I know my math well. :-)

ER: So now that you’ve returned, has taking this break affected the way you approach Second Life porn?  Do you have a new outlook?

EJ: My outlook is the same: we’re all here to do what we enjoy doing.  And if it’s not fun, don’t do it.

EJ: I think with some RL commitments, it was getting too difficult to do all I wanted to do well.  So honestly it was nice to step back and get some perspective on things.

EJ:  So yes, my outlook is the same.  But my attitude is probably better.

A behind-the-scenes candid photo between two good friends, Serenity and Emma, from the Erotique Porn Productions movie "Love Juice".

ER: You did have a great substitute to take over the reins of the Pornstars blog: Serenity Juneberry. I’m sure it was a relief to know that the blog was in good hands in your temporary absence.

EJ: I can’t say enough about Serenity.  She is the best person I know in SL.  Serenity is a better leader and a better editor than I am.  The blog has gotten so much better in quality.  And we have more readers than ever before.
EJ: And I’m not even the least bit jealous! *smiles*

ER: Well don’t forget she did learn from the best…*hint hint, wink wink*

EJ: No, she’s just great at it.  And it’s really nice to see something that I thought might end get even better.  It’s actually a relief to know that if I am obligated to do what I need to do in real life, this blog won’t die – it will continue on, and just get even better.

Do NOT adjust your television.  You are now entering the Emma Zone.
  A clever animated gif from the Pornstars blog.
ER: Going back to the blog, I saw some of your recent posts and they were quite different in focus from your posts a while back.  You provide very helpful and insightful tips.  Do you see yourself doing more of the same thing?

EJ: I always try to pass on the SL tech tips I know.  I’m sooooooo not technical, so it can’t be my only focus :)  Honestly, I just write about what interests me in SL, and hope it interests someone else.

ER: Your topics of interest are followed by close to 300 or so people, so I'd say you've got great things to say :-)

EJ:  Well it’s mostly Serenity’s interests now, and she’s done a wonderful job of trying to focus the blog more on the SL community.  She’s truly wonderful that way.  And she’s been very kind in making sure I maintain a presence on the blog as founder.

ER: I want to shift focus now to your movies.  Much of what has been said about the quality of your films and projects has been nothing but glowing praise.  But I know you are aware (as am I) that a successful project needs hard work and dedication to make it look that easy.
ER: So I was wondering – what has been the most challenging project for you, and what did you do specifically to overcome that challenge?
EJ: I bit off more than I could chew with EMMANUELLE DOES DALLAS.
ER: Ah yes, Emmanuelle Does Dallas.
EJ: I’m STILL trying to edit it. *giggles*
EJ: I was trying to make a feature length movie. I have a great 15 minutes right now, and about another 30 that still needs a lot of work.
EJ: I am working on it again, but it won’t be feature length. And sadly it’s pretty dated now. A year in SL is like 10 in RL. *laughs*
ER: You can always spice it up. I mean, PANDORA’S BOX and PRON are actually outdated now if you look at more recently released movies like Nikki Arlington’s SKETCHED.
EJ: Well, Nikki is really talented. But movies hold up when the story is good and they have a sexy idea to them. Same in SL.
ER: That’s a great point, and that’s what I believe in too when it comes to defining a good movie.
EJ: Nikki’s SKETCHED movie will be great two years from now too. Because it’s more than just a technique. Same with Serenity’s movies, Rysan’s, Deelite’s, Pixie’s, Thor’s, and a ton more.
EJ: And you! *giggles*
ER: Now it’s MY turn to roll my eyes at you. *laughs*
EJ: Well you were looking at me so sad!
ER: Looks can be deceiving. *smiles*

ER: Ok, since you started the Pornstars blog, there has been both upward and downward slopes/trends noted in Second Life porn. What’s one upward slope or trend that has piqued your interest, or that you feel really positively contributed to SL porn?
EJ: I just think about HOW MANY people are making movies now. I used to list EVERY SL adult director in my blog. Now it’s practically impossible.
EJ: Not every movie is great, but you have to keep in mind each film represents the work of someone filming their passion. And that’s kind of an awesome thing when you think about it.

ER: Yes it is. But no one would really even dare try filming an adult movie if we didn’t have the “starlets” and “heroes” of SL adult cinema – those we look up to. We see them and it's like, “Hey if they can do it, I think I can do it too!”

EJ: OK don’t make me roll my eyes again, cause I think I may sprain my eye sockets! *giggles*

ER: Well, I do happen to know a little first aid…*smiles* 
The golden backside of SL's biggest pornstar. Photo by LincG.

ER: OK, last question: Everyone has said you’re the face of Second Life porn, and that you’ve done so much for its existence. How do YOU picture yourself? In other words, how do you describe Emmanuelle Jameson?
EJ: I don’t! I’m really not…I don’t know the word for it. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about who I am; I just try and do things that make me happy and hope that makes me happy.

EJ: Although the one thing that is funny...is when people DO recognize my name, and think about how they know it.

EJ: I heard a RL porn star talk one time about how she would be at the airport and someone will recognize her, and then realize where they know her from. And they can’t say because they are with their boss or something. *giggles*

EJ: I ACTUALLY get that in SL sometimes! :) I will be in clubs dancing and stuff. And it’s always nice when people I don’t know say that they love the blog. That really is a great feeling.

ER: *nods and smiles* Indeed. So, I actually lied to you, there are two other quick questions, but you can take your thinking cap off, they are easy ones.

EJ: Ooooh…sneaky Emee!

ER: First question: If you were a tree, what would you be?

EJ: One that would eventually become a bed! *bows* thank you, thank you…

ER: *giggles* Great! So if it becomes a bed, then what is your favorite sexual position?

EJ: All of them :) Since there’s a bed, it has to have them all!

ER: *smiles* That’s an even better answer!

I just wanted to remark that it was a joy and privilege to be able to interview Emma and gather some new insight into her smexy, tawdry mind. :-) In addition, special thanks go out to Hoobs for providing the brief but definitely candid and sexy "Two Broke Girls" inspired photoshoot. I only wished that it could have been longer, but it still turned out quite smexy, especially given the time constraints.

Thanks everyone! More blog posts to cum soon. Stay tuned!


Thank you Emma for a  wonderfully fun, sexy, and engaging interview and photoshoot :-)

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