We're treated to some sizzling views before and after Colleen's "Secret Lover" arrives in this movie. With plenty of playful goings on as she warms up for him. Then plenty of hot action once he arrives!
Infact, throughout the movie we're given pure eye candy from the word go! On a detailed, intimate, and cosy movie set which really draws you in, with the help of the well directed, and almost theatrical lighting which highlights all the action. Toran Babenco and Colleen Criss's "Opium Films" look set to produce some memorable projects.
Colleen will always shine in any production or shoot. My advice to any girls who have asked me for help on how to get started in porn has always been stay true to yourself, make your "own" look as good as you can, and be yourself. Colleen has a look that is all her own, and her sexiness is off the scale! She pays attention to every detail, and as a result she is at the top of our scene and an instantly recognizable star!
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